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Elements Calgary Mental Health Centre

This is accomplished through support counselling, skill development and social/recreational programs.


Founded over 25 years ago, the Alzheimer Society is a not-for-profit health organization dedicated to helping people affected by Alzheimer Disease. The Society consists of a national office, 10 provincial organizations and more than 140 local groups across the country.

The Terry Fox Foundation

Canadian foundation which raises money solely for cancer research in Terry's name while at the same time is a leader among charitable organizations in maintaining low administrative and fundraising cost ratios. Currently, more than 85 cents of every dollar raised goes towards finding a cure for cancer. Please visit to learn more.

CPFQ Palestinian Child Sponsorship Program

The CPFQ Child Sponsorship Program is designed to build bridges between the Canadian community and Palestinian children living under occupation or in refugee camps. Children enrolled in our program live under conditions of extreme poverty and unemployment. Many of them live in densely populated refugee camps. A suitable infrastructure is absent, seriously threatening the physical and mental health of residents. Many children suffer from serious health problems and disabilities. Due to financial hardship, many have to leave school at a very young age to help support their families. The severe restrictions on employment and movement make the future of these children very bleak. In addition to providing much needed financial assistance, the program helps maintain stable and rewarding relationships between each child and their sponsor. This simple message of hope can offset some of the effects of the chaotic and insecure conditions in which they live.


At the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, every day is an inspiring reminder of what we can achieve by providing HIV treatment and other supports for people whose lives are impacted by HIV/AIDS and the additional challenges of addiction, mental illness, poverty and discrimination. The Day Health Program and 24-hour specialized care Residence at the Dr. Peter Centre improve people's health and make a significant contribution to Vancouver's complex health care system. The Centre's progressive model of HIV/AIDS care is a source of inspiration for local, national, and international health care organizations and policy makers in responding to the new challenges in HIV/AIDS care. Our community of care is built on acceptance and support, helping people find strength in the face of an illness which does not have a cure. We offer respect, dignity and a sense of belonging to people who are most in need. Together, we can change the world of HIV/AIDS care. Please give generously today. Thank you!


St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation is known for building lasting, mutually rewarding partnerships that enable St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, a multi-campus, teaching hospital, to provide the best in compassionate patient care and innovative medical research. In June 2011, the Foundation publicly launched Timeless Care, Tomorrow’s Discoveries – The Campaign for St. Joseph’s Healthcare, which will raise $75 million to support three vital projects at the hospital: the opening of a state-of-the-art surgical centre on the Charlton Campus; the creation of a new integrated mental health and medical care facility on the West 5th Campus; and the funding of vital healthcare research at St. Joe’s. These projects will touch the lives of two million Ontarians who live in the region served by St. Joseph’s.

Medical Ministry International

MMI's vision is to care annually for 100 million of the world's needy by the year 2050. MMI is committed to meet the need for medical care among the world's poor with lasting solutions through excellence in medicine, patient care, and health education. We do this by mobilizing volunteers on short-term medical projects and establishing and equipping permanent medical centers. We work alongside national doctors and helpers from the countries we go to, joining the efforts of the local church where possible. This healing ministry strengthens village churches and enhances missions outreach in our participants' home churches.

Heart & Stroke

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a national voluntary non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the health of Canadians by preventing and reducing disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research, health promotion and advocacy. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a federation of 10 provincial Foundations, led and supported by a force of more than 130,000 volunteers. For information on heart disease, stroke and healthy living, call 1-888-HSF-INFO (473-4636) or visit


Huntsville District Memorial Hospital Foundation is a fundraising organization dedicated to improving health care services for the residents of Muskoka and East Parry Sound. The Huntsville District Memorial Hospital Foundation was established as a registered charity in 1984 to receive, maintain and distribute funds raised by personal donations, grants, capital projects and special event fundraising, and special programs not covered by government grants. Although the Foundation does not contribute to operating costs, its mandate is to provide ongoing capital and education resources for Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare - Huntsville District Memorial Hospital.


Direct-MS was founded by persons affected by MS for the benefit of persons with MS. We provide information not available at larger MS charities which focus on drug therapies for MS. The charity has no employees and is run entirely by volunteers. Almost all funds collected (98%+) go to research and information dissemination.


Parkinson Society Canada is a not for profit, national charitable organization. The Society raises money through corporate sponsorships,public donations, and planned gifts. Finding the cause and cure for Parkinson's disease remains our chief mission. However, while we wait for answers, we must not forget the patients and caregivers. New publications, increased patient conferences, clinical assistance programs, as well as other projects also require your support and funding. While we have come a long way towards raising Parkinson's disease in the consciousness of Canadians, we have more to do.

Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières Canada (MSF)

MSF is the world’s leading independent humanitarian medical relief organization, providing crucial medical care to people affected by war, civil strife, epidemics, natural disasters and social marginalization. MSF strives to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies with complete independence from political, economic or religious powers. In 1999, MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its pioneering humanitarian work: rapid interventions, calling public attention to humanitarian catastrophies, respecting fellow humans’ dignity and acting as a source of hope for peace and reconciliation.