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femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

Rural Development Support Program

The Rural Development Support Program (RDSP) was established in 1992 with a vision of productive and caring rural communities living with dignity. Our mission is to support rural organisations to bring about change in their communities, by providing services and initiating development programmes that will improve their circumstances. Our core business is capacity building through intensive training and ongoing mentoring, which has been achieved to date through support from both international and local donor partners.

Friends of Humanity

Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance

The Centre for HIV/AIDS Prevention Studies

To increase the overall health and well-being of South Africans and the region in general by providing innovative and preventative health solutions through the implementation and dissemination of evidence- based strategies and improving the overall quality of healthcare in Southern Africa

The African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA

To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.

International Blue Cross

The International Blue Cross is one of the world's leading non-governmental organisations, caring for people harmed by or at risk from alcohol or illicit drug use. Our project work in prevention, treatment & counselling and aftercare focuses primarily on young and vulnerable people, and on those in extreme poverty. Through carefully researched and targeted interventions we advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies at the national and international level. In doing so, we seek to draw positive and dignified attention to the issues faced by dependent people and their families. Our Vision: We see a world where all people can knowingly choose and live a life free of harmful addiction; a world where all people harmed by addiction have access to and can benefit from high quality and holistic treatment. Our Mission: We provide healthcare development support and promote holistic well-being; We prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs and help mitigate the associated negative health, social, and economic consequences; We advocate for evidence and best practice-based alcohol policy formulation and implementation on the national and international levels. Alcohol and illicit drug misuse afflicts innumerous individuals and families. It also costs societies around the world billions of dollars in health and socio-economic costs. This growing burden is worthy of everyone's attention. The International Blue Cross constitutes a credible and renowned organisation driven by the values, the sort of professionalism, governance, and local community connections needed to effectively address this global challenge.

Youth Foundation For Development, Education and Leadership

Our Mission is to equip and celebrate new generation of African thinkers, leaders and innovators.

International Children's Palliative Care Network

The ICPCN promotes palliative care for children globally through advocacy, education, research, networking and communication


EIFL's mission is to enable access to knowledge through libraries in developing and transition countries in order to contribute to sustainable economic and social development.

Educare Fund

Educare Fund supports needy families in Lesotho to enable them to keep their bright girl children in high school in order to ensure that these girls can gain better access to higer education and improved job opportunities. Educare Fund works in partnership with families who already have girls in high schools in various parts of the country by topping up the school fees for each girl. The family pays half the school fees and Educare Fund pays the balance. This is to make sure that the famlilies retain a stake in the education of the girls we support. We feel very strongly about this parnership as we feel it reinforces self-determination locally. The principal goal is the further empowerment of women in Lesotho so that they can play a part in society with greater confidence. Although the current focus is high schoool education which is often a stumbling block for some girls from poor families who do not qualify for govenment support, the charity would like to be in a position to offer scholarships for college and university level.

The Earth Trust

Earth Trust works to give tools to tribals and villagers to farm their land in a sustainable way, to develop responsibility for Primary Health solutions with traditional answers and to give rural children inspiration, skills & passion for revitalising their communities & land. Email:

Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia)

The BKFA works with organisations and communities to provide a clean birthing environment for women in developing countries in order to reduce the incidence of infant and maternal mortality. We respect peoples' dignity and values and work according to principles of basic human rights. We raise awareness, provide support and resources and act as a catalyst for the creation of birth attendant training programmes and community development projects.