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Alif Laila Book Bus Society

Empowering children/young girls through books, education and skills for a better tomorrow and enhance the capabilities understanding and powers of innovation in children/young girls with the aim to provide safe and secure learning environment. Our vision To enhance the understanding and creative abilities of our nation's children so that they can reach their maximum potential and stand shoulder to shoulder with children from all corners of the globe. Our Mission To empower children to think critically and creatively, to empathize and build bridges, to befriend books and learn skills. To provide access to quality books to improve reading proficiency of students in schools and communities to build a strong foundation of education for subsequent phases of learning To promote widespread reading culture among both the teachers and the students. To design innovative solutions partnerships to enhance the quality of education in Government schools to prepare our young girls to meet the challenges of today's world and grasp its opportunities. To stimulate and develop cognitive thinking in young minds and encourage students to explore and experiment with basic materials existing in their environment and understand the underlying scientific principles Brief overview Alif Laila Book Bus Society (ALBBS) traces its origin from the time when in 1978 an American couple - Dr. Nita Backer and Dr. Richard Baker - working at the American School in Lahore, came up with the idea to harness the reading potential in children and create a sense of affection for books. To make the whole concept attractive and child friendly, the society requested the Pakistan Road Transport Board to donate a Double Decker bus in which a library could be set up. Books were donated and soon afterwards the first Book Bus Library became functional. The idea proved to be a roaring success. Consequently to ensure provision of maximum benefit to the most vulnerable focus was placed on children enrolled in Government schools, whereas to widen the ambit of work the number of libraries was increased over time. Of these, the first set up in the double decker bus is a Stationed Bus Library, the second a Reference Library set up in a building, and the 2 Mobile Libraries and 3 rickshaw libraries for facilitating those children who cannot visit either of the above. From the time of its registration under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in January 1979 till date, Alif Laila has focused on bringing books and children closer through setting up libraries small and big, in communities and in schools as well as its mobile library program. However, at the same time the organization has added interventions its portfolio that are congruent to its overall mission and vision. We focus on 6 main areas: 1) Access to quality children books; 2) Hands on learning 3) Teacher development; 4) Youth and women empowerment; 5) Public-private partnership; 6) Advocacy and 7) Development of ECE materials and children's books Scope of Work 1. Access To Quality Children Books Alif Laila is committed to targeting early literacy as the foundation of all other learning as an urgent priority. It has developed Pakistan's only comprehensive program to help our youngest citizens access quality children books. Alif Laila also believes in opening minds of our young ones through reading, a trait essential for any society to progress and have peace. In Lahore the unique library complex hosts Pakistan's pioneer children library and first mobile library. The mobile library program consists of 2 custom made small vehicles and a rickshaw. These mobile libraries serve low income communities as well as government schools. Rickshaw library is used for narrow streets. With the help of sponsors and donors we establish libraries of all sizes and shapes all over Pakistan, in schools and in communities. We focus on Pakistan's remote areas as well as communities in Gilgit-Baltistan. 2. Writing, printing and publishing children's books and Issue based books/posters 1. Bablo Bhai and Bhalo Mian 2. Bablo Bhai Ka Basta/ Babloo Bhais Bag (bilingual) 3. Kahani aik Jungle ki 4. Meri Dadi Amman aur Main/ My friend my dadi amaan (bilingual) 5. Dadi Amman aur Bachoon K Hoqooq 6. Dunya ki Kahani Chunti Ki Zubani 7. Meray Dadda Abba Aur Main 8. Childrens Voices 9. Babloo Bhai ki Choti Behan 10. Darkht Hamary Dost/ Trees are our friends (bilingual) 11. Aman/ Peace (bilingual) 12. Kazanay ki Talaash / Treasure Hunt (Bilingual) 13. Babloo Bhai aur Bahloo mian bagh mein 14. Bari si kitaab aur buhat se khuwaab / The book of little stories and big dreams (Bilingual) 15. Dada aur Dadi Amaan ke saath 16. Chachi giru and sita raam 17. Muskurahatein 18. Irgit Girgat 19. Khaniya rangon mein 20. Phool hotay hein surkh sada 21. Urdu Qaida 22. The girl who took things 23. Ahmed's Bicycle Eleven Books from these are National Book Foundation award winners. Mere Dada Abba aur Main' won the first prize in national book foundation's write and win contest. Poems on the environment and a rag picking girl's plea on posters Designed and printed posters on child rights the environment schools worthy of children and Alif Bay Pay Qaida 3. Hands-On Learning Program Under this program we offer free hands on learning classes in computers, art, craft and electronics to girls in government schools as well children from low income communities. It has 2 components; i) The Mobile Resource Centre. The mobile resource center carries a team of 4 instructors and the education kits . The team offers 2 hour long training to girls in classes of 6 and 7and ii) The Hobby Club Resource Centers located at the Alif Laila building serve children from low income communities. 4. Teacher Development Teacher development program targets capacity building in Early Childhood Education (ECE) as well as improving the capacity and development of skills of teachers in primary and middle school. We encourage teachers to enrich their teaching methods by involving experimentation and embedding arts, culture and creative approaches. We offer free capacity building workshops in government schools and low-cost private schools. We also conduct ECE trainings at Directorate of Staff Development, the prime teacher training institute of Government of the Punjab.. 5. Youth And Women Empowerment Our youth and women empowerment program focuses on i. Workshops and trainings enhancing employability of youth especially women through resume writing and interview skills workshops ii. Entrepreneurship workshops iii. Coaching craft skills to earn from home iv. Kitchen Gardening workshops to address challenges of urban food insecurity 6. Public-Private Partnership Under public-private partnership we work with the provincial governments in the following areas I- Setting up library corners in Government Primary Schools and training teachers on the use of library in their teaching to enhance reading proficiency and enrich learning II- Early Childhood Education-ECE a. ECE training workshops for government school teachers b. Setting up ECE Model Centers c. Setting up ECE centers in government school III- School improvement program IV- Revamping children corners in public libraries and redefining the role of public libraries as crucial partners for youth empowerment program 7. Advocacy Through policy dialogues with policy makers and innovative campaigns Alif Laila engages in advocacy for the following, Environment and recycling Grade Level Reading Proficiency Matters-Providing access to books in primary schools for reading proficiency Kitchen Gardening for urban food security and nutrition 8. Development Of ECE Materials And Children Books Alif Laila is a brand name in the development of ECE materials and also develops award winning children's books. Alif Laila is a key consultant in setting up ECE centers in the government schools in Punjab

Karachi United Football Foundation (Trust)

By leveraging the power of football, Karachi United strives to enhance the lives of children and communities by providing them with access to play, sports culture, and excellence, and simultaneously raise the bar of Pakistan's nascent football industry.

Operation Mercy

To work in partnership with others to restore hope, grow capacity, and promote community through relief and development initiatives that help transform lives, including our own."

Caritas Austria

CARITAS AUSTRIA is an internationally operating non-profit organisation (donations are tax-deductible Reg. Nr. SO1126; equivalent 501(c)(3) US organization) under the mission of the Austrian Catholic church and pursues solely and directly charitable and benevolent objectives. CARITAS AUSTRIA relief work addresses the needy in their entirety, taking also into consideration their physical, psychological and spiritual-religious backgrounds. CARITAS AUSTRIA commits itself to providing assistance to people in need which is done without regard to creed, ethnicity or ideology of those seeking help. In its operations CARITAS AUSTRIA is guided by respect for the dignity and self-determination of the people it serves. There are more than 1,000 places throughout Austria where CARITAS AUSTRIA helps people in need. In the areas of caregiving, supporting people with disabilities, hospices, in the social counseling centers, on assignment for families in need or for older people who cannot afford heating. CARITAS AUSTRIA - this comprises its fulltime staff, but above all, also the roughly 50.000 volunteers and each and every one of you who supports our work. CARITAS AUSTRIA's main activities are aiming at social support and advocacy for those in need. These activities are taking place in Austria and abroad, whereas the main focus is lying on national work in Austria. Inside and outside of Austria, CARITAS AUSTRIA always aims at addressing the basic needs of the vulnerable taking also into consideration their social and cultural background.

German Red Cross / Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

The German Red Cross co-operates with other national Red Cross/ Red Crescent societies, the International Federation of Red Cross/ Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross in numerous missions concerning: - Emergency Response (including quick assignment of pre-trained personnel and pre-packaged material, provision of relief materials, donations and contributions in cash and in kind to partner organizations) - Rehabilitation after disasters (Reconstruction of houses, medical facilities, and livelihood after disasters) - Development projects with focus on Disaster Risk Reduction / Climate Change Adaptation, Water and Sanitation, Basic Health Care, Livelihood and Capacity Building within Partner Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and communities.

Fast Rural Development Program

Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization registered under the societies Act XXI of 1860, working in the underprivileged areas of Sindh, Pakistan since 2007. The Program is aimed at facilitating the disadvantaged communities in a way that they could be empowered to secure their rights with command over the resources and capabilities to manage the process of sustainable development. FRDP is involved with overall integrated development but its major focus is to promote Water and Sanitation, Health & Hygiene, Emergency Relief, improve Education, SRHR, MNCH, Poverty Alleviation, Promotion of Human Rights (especially the rights of women, children indigenous groups and persons with disabilities), Peace Building and Good Governance. FRDP has well educated, experienced and committed members on its board. FRDP is known for its highly qualified, motivated and experienced staff, quality work, transparent systems and excellent perception among the communities, government and other relevant stakeholders at provincial, national and international level. FRDP has implemented a wide range of projects with its national and international partners including government in the fields as mentioned above. Some prominent partners are Sindh Education Foundation, UNICEF, FAO, IOM, Oxfam, Concern Worldwide, The Asia Foundation, Penny Appeal, Amir Khan Foundation and ActionAid. The organization has up to the mark systems and policies which include Tally ERP Financial Software, Financial Policy, Admin & Logistic Policy, HR & Gender Policy, Internal & External Audit Systems and Complaint Response Mechanism. FRDP seeks the services of topmost auditors for its annual audit. FRDP believes in two-way monitoring system i.e. top to bottom and vice versa. FRDP has its well established and equipped Head Office in Hyderabad and a number of Field Offices in different districts. Vision Peaceful, socio-economically empowered and resilient society with ensured fundamental rights Mission Promote self resilience of communities by organizing and mobilizing them; and contributing in sustainable development through integrated, inclusive, environment friendly approach Objectives 1) Provision of WASH facilities to most disadvantaged communities in its operational areas for improving their current health status along with health and hygiene education. 2) Improve nutritional status of pregnant, neonatal, children and lactating women in the most marginalized and excluded areas of Sindh with special focus on the critical first 1000 days from a woman's pregnancy to that child's second birthday. 3) Assist communities to wrestle with natural calamities being resilient to climate change and emergencies in order to bail out from intricacies of emergency. 4) Render world class education incorporated with latest handy tools with ICT in all FRDP's schools for reaching poorest of poor for developing their future all-encompassing character building and morality 5) Strengthen Livelihood means and ways of communities to reduce their rooted poverty for their development and make them socio- economical self persistent and dependent. 6) Promote human rights especially those of children, women, laborers, PWDs and indigenous communities for their social, political and economic empowerment. Core Values 1) Commitment and Dedication for humanitarian cause 2) Respect and dignity for all 3) Do 'No Harm' 4) Honesty & Transparency 5) Inclusiveness 6) Gender & Cultural Sensitivity 7) Equality and Equity

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

Dawood Global Foundation - Educate a Girl

To educate 1000 girls in need in Pakistan with vocationally training in media studies at the Institute of Journalism Karachi followed by grooming in professionalism, dressing at the work place, sexual harassment protection and boosting self-esteem. Top students are placed in top media outlets and we work to place others in multi-nationals and other key opportunities.

Advocacy, Research, Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation

ARTS Foundation mission is to enlarge social, economical, institutional, and individual development options for the benefit of women, girls, youth and children of rural and marginalized areas through creating, strengthening, and supporting social platforms.

Refugees International Japan

RIJ is an independent non-profit organization that funds projects for people displaced by conflict around the world. RIJ supports projects that provide opportunities for people to lead an independent normal life while staying near to home and their loved ones; projects that enable people to give back to the community and make valuable contributions to the local economy as well as rebuilding their own future.

Muwakhat Foundation

VISION: Uplift living standard of poor household MISSION: Economic and social stability to poor families, so society keep progress on development

Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) Centre for Education & Consciousness

ITA's mission is to "actively pursue universal access and standard setting in education as a comprehensive learning experience for human evolution and consciousness by creating contemporary education systems for all children without discrimination due to gender, class, age, religion, color and ethnicity and, endeavoring to address educational bottlenecks through timely resource mobilization and influencing of public policy".