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1. To act as a leading organisation and a global voice for the rights of those who face discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics (SOGIESC). 2. To work towards achieving equality, freedom and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people through advocacy, collaborative actions, and by educating and informing relevant international and regional institutions as well as governments, media and civil society. 3. To empower our members and other human rights organisations in promoting and protecting human rights, irrespective of people's sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics and to facilitate cooperation and solidarity among ILGA regions and members. 4. To promote the diversity and strengths of persons of diverse SOGIESC around the world.
Fundacion Corazonistas is the tool of the Institute of Brothers of the Sacred Heart in the Province of Spain for the promotion and participation of lay Corazonistas through social commitment. In 2021, Fundacion Corazonistas is the reference space for lay Corazonistas in educational works in Spain to get socially involved in building a more just world. Thus, it contributes to the development of committed personal and community vocations in Spain and to the development of projects of heart solidarity with impoverished people and peoples throughout the world.
Inspiring Girls International is a global campaign dedicated to raising the aspirations of young girls by connecting them with inspiring female role models.
To transform the social reality of Mumbai to ensure respect for Human Rights and guarantee access to a decent life for the most disadvantaged communities in Mumbai.
The basic mission of the Spanish Red Cross is the diffusion and application of the General Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International Movement. The organisational aim of the Spanish Red Cross is the performance of duties destined to attain the follow-ing specific goals: 1. To seek and promote peace, as well as national and international co-operation. 2. To diffuse and teach international Humanitarian Law. 3. To diffuse and teach basic human rights. 4. To intervene in armed conflicts on behalf of all civil and military vic-tims, preparing for this duty in times of peace as an auxiliary part of public health services in all areas stipulated by the Geneva Conven-tions and any other Protocols to which Spain may be party. 5. To care for persons and groups who are suffering, preventing and re-lieving human pain. 6. To protect and aid persons affected by accidents, catastrophes, dis-asters, social conflicts, diseases, epidemics, collective risks, accidents or similar events, as well as the prevention of the damage they cause, participating in the actions necessary in compliance with the law and the appropriate national and territorial plans. 7. To promote and collaborate in actions of solidarity, co-operation to-ward development, general social welfare as well as health and social services, with special attention devoted to persons and groups faced with difficulties for their social integration. 8. To promote and participate in health programmes and special activi-ties which favour public health by their altruistic nature. 9. To promote the voluntary non-profit participation of individuals and corporations, government and private entities in the activities and sustenance of the Organisation for the realisation of its objectives. 10. To promote the participation of children and youth in Organisation activities. To spread the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement among them, in addition to those of international humanitarian law, basic human rights, and the ideals of peace, mutual respect and comprehension between men and nations. 11. To carry out educational actions aimed at attaining the aforemen-tioned goals.
The main objective of the ASOCIACIÓN MENSAJEROS DE LA PAZ is the care, attention, support, rehabilitation, treatment for human and social promotion of the most disadvantaged and needy groups in Spain and in several countries all over the world in order to promote their full integration: minors, young people living under social risk conditions, abused women, physical and psychical handicapped people, drug addicts, and old people who live alone, in abandon or poverty conditions.
AIPC Pandora is a non-profit organization that works to generate the knowledge and the capacity of action needed at the international level for the construction of a more just and peaceful world. For this, we develop Global Learning Experiences for educational, intercultural, solidarity or professional insertion in one of the 57 countries in which we are present. We work both in Outbound / Outbound and Inbound / Host projects in Spain, offering transformative experiences based on the "Learning-Service" methodology that form global citizens in how to intervene in the great challenges of the world today.
To provide the girls with the necessary tools to grow up as players and people. We are an exclusive women soccer club that works to build a more equal society by improving the professionalism in women soccer. We stand up for an integral learning, where the players discover new techniques and tactics through the global drills that they do in the practices. Our values are teamwork, respect, humility, responsibility, commitment and effort.
The purpose of the Foundation is: 1. The promotion of disadvantaged people and social groups, through their training, employment and social integration. 2. Encourage the culture of social volunteering by developing in people values of justice, solidarity and gratuity. The Novaterra Foundation proposes to promote, sponsor or manage plans, programs, projects and actions, its own or those of other entities, that are aimed at achieving one or more of the following General Objectives: 1. To meet the needs of general human and professional training, through actions and itineraries of socio-labor insertion, of socially and culturally disadvantaged people. 2. Contribute to develop and consolidate the social fabric, favoring communication and collaboration between people and institutions. 3. Promote the study and reflection on social reality, as a means for their knowledge and analysis to better orient the action that has to change reality. 4. Contribute to develop the awareness of civil society and public authorities about the need for measures and actions against situations of marginalization and exclusion. 5. Collaborate in the creation and dissemination of a positive image, in the public opinion, of people who are in the process of promotion and development. 6. Disseminate, in the projects carried out by the Foundation, the awareness of the need to show solidarity, in fact, with entities, projects and people of the Third World. 7. Encourage, provide economic and legal support to the birth, development and consolidation of companies of marked social interest, in which work helps to dignify people. 8. Promote and sponsor the development of the entrepreneurial spirit towards this type of companies and projects. 9. Collect and apply human and material resources to make the previous activities viable.
asistir la transicion de infantes y adolescentes, brindandoles a elles y a su familia el justo acompanamiento que necesitan en esta etapa tan importante, asi como una serie de herramientas en el campo juridico, educativo, de salud y social. De esta manera buscamos lograr el respeto a sus derechos humanos y contribuir a que tengan un desarrollo pleno y armonioso.
The comprehensive treatment and education of people with cerebral palsy, throughout all stages of the affected person's life, so that they can lead a life as normalized as possible. For this, our project follows an interdisciplinary approach, based on the Bobath philosophy. For the fulfillment of its mission, it will be able to develop all kinds of assistance, training and outreach activities, creating centers for the treatment and specialized education of cerebral paralyzed people, as well as for training in the Bobath Concept of the professionals who make up interdisciplinary teams that we advocate. The purposes of the Foundation are: a) The assistance and comprehensive treatment of people affected by cerebral palsy and damage, according to the BOBATH philosophy. b) The educational and professional training of the disabled with cerebral palsy or damage from the school stage to the professional training for their labor insertion that allows the creation of jobs for them and, finally, their integration into the labor market. e) The training of professionals who care for people with cerebral palsy or brain damage in the BOBATH Concept. d) The promotion of research on cerebral palsy and brain damage. ) The protection and care of legally incapacitated persons, seeking the resources that allow them to live with a dignified quality of life and that make them full citizens.
We work together to prevent and educate, support and giving help to patients and families, and financing research projects in cancer. We lead the effort of Spanish society to battle against cancer, helping both patients and relatives and trying to aminorize disease's impact.