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Impact Stories
Children of the Night

Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization established in 1979 and dedicated to rescuing America’s children from the ravages of prostitution.  

Hour Children

Hour Children’s mission is to help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children successfully rejoin the community, reunify with their families, and build healthy, independent and secure lives. To accomplish this, Hour Children provides compassionate and comprehensive services and encourages all to live and interact with dignity and respect.

Hope For The Children Of Haiti

Our co-founder Marion Austin strongly believed in empowering our Haitian children with the tools that they need to succeed, knowing they could one day become Christian leaders and role models in the Haitian society.

Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti

The mission of the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti, Inc. (ACR) is to provide comprehensive services designed to meet the emotional, physical, educational and social needs of the children of Regnier in Cayes, Haiti, hence, promoting self-sufficiency.

Camelot For Children

Camelot for Children is a non-profit organization providing year-round social and educational opportunities to children with disabilities and chronic or terminal illnesses in a supportive, developmentally appropriate, enriching environment in order to make the magic of childhood accessible to children with unique needs.

Children Of Shelters

from the website: "Children of Shelters believes we can begin to break the cycle of homelessness for children in San Francisco. Every day we create opportunities and provide educational funding for many of the City's 2,500 homeless kids because without these changes, ​​​they will likely stay homeless for life."

A R M Of Save The Family Foundation Of Arizona

The Affordable Rental Movement (Arm) Establishes Working Poor Families And Individuals In Affordable Housing And Offers Supportive Services To Help Them Maintain And Increase Their Self-Sufficiency.

The Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth

Kentucky's young people are increasingly being victimized by abuse, neglect and family trauma. The Kentucky United Methodist Children's Homes responds to Christ's call to go into the world by providing quality social services for children and families. We have established a variety of services for children, adolescents and parents to bring healing and hope to often desperate situations. We believe every child is an individual of worth and is deserving of God's gift of wholeness of life. The scope of our services continues to grow and improve as new needs arise.

Alliance for Children Everywhere

We demonstrate the love our Lord Jesus Christ by feeding hungry children, bringing orphans and outcast children into families and educating out-of-school children.

Suncoast Charities For Children

Suncoast Charities for Children provides funding support, in the form of grants, to the Suncoast Foundation for Handicapped Children, Inc. to assist local children, teens, and adults with special needs and their families.

Safe Families For Children

Founded in 2003, Safe Families for Children (Safe Families) surrounds families in crisis with caring, compassionate community. We are a nonprofit, volunteer movement that provides hope and support to families in our local communities. Located in 70 cities across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond, we are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and out of foster care.

Cedars Home For Children Foundation

CEDARS helps children and youth achieve safety, stability and enduring family relationships. CEDARS founding and enduring priority is safety for children and youth who have experienced or are vulnerable to, abuse, neglect and/or homelessness.