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Global Fund for Women

We are a global champion for the human rights of women and girls. We use our powerful networks to find, fund, and amplify the courageous work of women who are building social movements and challenging the status quo. By shining a spotlight on critical issues, we rally communities of advocates who take action and invest money to empower women.


Thrive is a (501(c)(3) charitable organization that connects global donors and local volunteers to children living in the poorest areas of the world by providing nutritious food and promoting healthy habits to give them a chance at a better life.

Yayasan Asar Humanity

1. Developing and optimizing networks of humanitarian actions based on national and global volunteerism. 2. Developing and optimizing networks of philantrophy on national and global scale. 3. Expanding the reach of our service throught branch offices anf volunteer networks. 4. Utilizing masterpiece programs to contribute and bring solutions to the society problems. 5. Optimizing the philanthropic fundraising and fund management in a trustworthy, transparent and professional manner. 6. Building and optimizing organizational resources and capacity effectively and efficiently.


The aim and objective of PATHWAY are to work for the socio-economic development of the backward classes of people at the grassroots level of society, irrespective of caste and religion through unity, discipline, cooperative team formation, voluntary work, and favorable environment creation.

JAAGO Foundation UK

At JAAGO Foundation UK our aim is to prevent poverty in Bangladesh by supporting education and community development projects which provide quality, free-of-cost education, medical support, nutritious meals and hygiene products for socially and economically disadvantaged children and families.


Founded in 1980, Medecins du Monde is an international medical solidarity NGO that works tirelessly to defend a fair and universal health care system. We are committed to providing care to the most vulnerable populations, to denouncing rejection, discrimination, and violations of human dignity and rights, and to campaigning for sustainable improvements in health policies for all.

Childfund Korea

ChildFund Korea creates a world where children grow up upright and enjoy happy life.

Fundacion Street Child Espana

Street Child is dedicated to breaking the barriers that prevent the most vulnerable children and teenagers in the world from accessing quality education through a holistic and cross-cuttting approach. Our organization promotes this access through accelerated solutions led by our local partners on the ground. In addition, Street Child promotes Human Rights of children, according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Futebol da Forca Foundation

Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.

Foundation for the Rights of Disadvantaged Populations (dba APRRN)

APRRN is a network of more than 200 civil society organisations and individuals covering more than 30 countries in the Asia Pacific region. APRRN was formed in November 2008 at the first Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights (APCRR), held in Malaysia, in which representatives of 70 civil society organisations from 14 countries determined the necessity of establishing a coordinating entity to convene collaborative action and thus progress and advance refugee rights across the region. APRRN aims to advance the rights of refugees and other people in need of protection in the Asia Pacific region. APRRN is a collaborative movement which advances the rights of refugees and other people in need of protection-including refugees, people seeking asylum, torture survivors and complainants, trafficked persons, IDPs, stateless persons, migrants in vulnerable situations and returnees-in the Asia Pacific region so they may have equal and adequate access to assistance and protection, and to timely durable solutions. APRRN's Secretariat is a trusted advisor and crucial resource. We deliver the essential toolkit to facilitate joint, comprehensive and far-reaching refugee rights advocacy in the region, to ensure refugees, migrants and asylum seekers have access to equitable assistance, socioeconomic inclusion, protection and timely durable solutions. This includes delivering human rights capacity building; distributing emerging information regarding inclusion and human rights; convening forums and learning exchanges for members and non-members to facilitate essential discourse; sharing best practices; and engendering collaborative advocacy action to advance refugee rights in the Asia Pacific region. Advocacy conducted in silo is ineffective. APRRN facilitates cross-cultural collaboration and regional action of otherwise isolated human rights groups, galvanising and directing momentum to ensure the region is effectively, safely and collaboratively demanding action and thereby advancing the socioeconomic inclusion and equitable human rights of refugees and asylum seekers. APRRN's action is critical to ensure governments in Asia Pacific implement refugee rights legislation, to prevent and end severe violations of fundamental human rights such as immigration detention, Rohingya persecution and loss of life at sea. By working together as a regional network, our ability to hold national governments to account is magnified, and therefore we can achieve the greatest inclusive policy and legislative change to advance the equal rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the region. The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network is registered as a Foundation in Thailand, under the name Foundation for the Rights of Disadvantaged Populations, on the advice of legal professionals. In practice the two entities function as a singular body, the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Olympic Refuge Foundation

We are shaping a movement to ensure young people affected by displacement thrive through safe sport Sport has the power to have the most incredible impact on young lives. We are uniting leaders, businesses, coaches and young refugees from across the world to create a team with purpose, a team like no other. We all share one goal - for displaced young people to find belonging through sport, and shape their own futures, their way. Having been through the unimaginable hardship of displacement, on this team they will find somewhere to feel at home again. Somewhere they can develop the skills to succeed in life and truly thrive. Sport can be the springboard for a future that didn't seem possible. Helping young people find their place in the world, find success in their dream career. Or even finding themselves at the Olympic Games. Together we can help them discover a future full of opportunity, fuelled by the Olympic spirit. Our work It is easy to take the feeling of home for granted. That sense of being safe, welcome and respected. For young people uprooted by conflict, persecution or disaster, sport can offer a safe haven. Sport can develop stronger ties in communities, provide opportunities to learn new skills, build networks and improve health. We want to ensure 1 million young people access safe sport by 2024. To do this we're focused on making an impact in three areas: Access - making sure more young people affected by displacement can access and benefit from safe sport, for instance, through our programmes of sport- and play-based activities and upskilling coaches and through the Refugee Olympic Team. Adoption - ensuring that the role of safe sport in supporting young refugees is widely understood and used, for instance, encouraging national governments to include safe sport in their refugee response frameworks. Collective action - mobilising multiple partnerships to create sustained change, and improving the way sport is used to support young people affected by displacement. Together we can achieve more.