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PC Coup d'Pouce

PC Coup d'Pouce (PCCP), an association under the 1901 law, aims to set up development aid projects local, national or international level, in this case in recent years in Benin, Togo and Senegal. Its aim is to provide sustainable aid adapted to the needs of a population. We ensure that the project is monitored and runs smoothly, while promoting the community's development of the community. The projects are integrated into the development policy of the development policy of the host country. They are carried out by the local association in conjunction with its local partners and concern various fields of action, namely education, nutrition, women's empowerment and water and sanitation. The association supervises the entire project, is responsible for fundraisin, and carries out reconnaissance and monitoring missions in the field, which are necessary for the the project. The association refrains from taking political, religious or ethnic positions and/or demonstrations.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Agriculteurs Francais Et Developpement International

entreprendre toute action susceptible d'ameliorer les conditions de vie des paysans les plus pauvres des pays en developpement et pour cela : contribuer a la securite alimentaire des zones les plus defavorisees ; accompagner les organisations paysannes, acteurs strategiques dans la lutte contre la pauvrete, pour le developpement durable et le respect du droit a l'alimentation ; informer les agriculteurs et les ruraux francais sur la situation et les attentes des agriculteurs des pays en developpement afin d'assurer la mobilisation des moyens humains et financiers necessaire a la reduction de la pauvrete dans ces pays


soutenir, accompagner, participer, et developper des projets de developpement a l'etranger portes par des acteurs locaux, ces projets d'aide seront prioritairement orientes vers les enfants et adolescents en grande precarite et difficulte sociale ; privilegier des actions s'inscrivant dans une logique de perennite des projets soutenus et d'autonomisation des acteurs locaux afin de permettre aux structures locales de prendre en charge durablement leur propre developpement.


To promote equality between trans* and cisgender people in all areas of society, in particular by fighting against exclusion and discrimination of any kind based on gender identity disorders; to promote research, development and implementation of medical and paramedical knowledge for trans* people, in particular: in the analysis and support of gender identity disorders, in the management of transition (hormone therapy, surgery, dermatology. .), in the medical and paramedical follow-up specific to trans* people throughout their lives (urology, gynecology, hormone therapy, psychotherapy...); to promote and support diversity and the inclusion of trans* people in the school, university, training, professional and artistic environments; to promote contact between trans* people and associations defending the interests of trans* people; to participate, with other associations, groups, foundations, etc., to participate, together with other associations, groups, foundations, etc., in international activities aiming at one or more of the goals defined in the present statutes; to represent and defend the interests of trans* persons on an individual or collective basis, excluding the regularization of their residence permits; to support any trans* person facing difficulties related to his or her gender identity disorder; the association has no profit-making purpose.

Olympic Refuge Foundation

We are shaping a movement to ensure young people affected by displacement thrive through safe sport Sport has the power to have the most incredible impact on young lives. We are uniting leaders, businesses, coaches and young refugees from across the world to create a team with purpose, a team like no other. We all share one goal - for displaced young people to find belonging through sport, and shape their own futures, their way. Having been through the unimaginable hardship of displacement, on this team they will find somewhere to feel at home again. Somewhere they can develop the skills to succeed in life and truly thrive. Sport can be the springboard for a future that didn't seem possible. Helping young people find their place in the world, find success in their dream career. Or even finding themselves at the Olympic Games. Together we can help them discover a future full of opportunity, fuelled by the Olympic spirit. Our work It is easy to take the feeling of home for granted. That sense of being safe, welcome and respected. For young people uprooted by conflict, persecution or disaster, sport can offer a safe haven. Sport can develop stronger ties in communities, provide opportunities to learn new skills, build networks and improve health. We want to ensure 1 million young people access safe sport by 2024. To do this we're focused on making an impact in three areas: Access - making sure more young people affected by displacement can access and benefit from safe sport, for instance, through our programmes of sport- and play-based activities and upskilling coaches and through the Refugee Olympic Team. Adoption - ensuring that the role of safe sport in supporting young refugees is widely understood and used, for instance, encouraging national governments to include safe sport in their refugee response frameworks. Collective action - mobilising multiple partnerships to create sustained change, and improving the way sport is used to support young people affected by displacement. Together we can achieve more.

Eau et Vie

-Ensure permanent access to a reliable domestic water service, fire-fighting, hygiene training, community empowerment and emergency plans, as well as developing other essential community-based services according to the people's needs and capacities. -Carry out systemic diagnostics on waste management and sanitation. Develop initiatives according to the context and the resources available, preferably with the support of communities and local authorities. -Mobilise and involve all partners for the implementation of projects with a high social impact, which are over time economically viable and self-sufficient.

Each One for Society

Our mission is to close the unjustifiable gap between the refugees and newcomers' potential and their systematic demotion. Our objective is to change the narrative around their professional inclusion thanks to pragmatic and efficient solutions and by interests lining up. We want to show that recruiting refugees can become a norm for companies, as easy as recruiting locals while being an amazing value creation. For five years, we have set the basis to create a simple and scalable solution that is able to tackle massively the refugees' professional inclusion issue while answering companies' recruitment difficulties. We have then validated our proof of concept around two main programmes. Our offer to refugees consists in extensive support throughout the journey to resume a job. Depending on their needs, maturity and aspirations, each One offers to enroll them to a specific program with the dosage of each content (French lessons, live in France lessons, soft-skills workshops, networking events, etc.) that best suits them. To be more specific, here are the two complementary solutions we can offer: - The Society programs operated by each One for Society, hosted in top-notch universities, are the initial training programs for people who are not ready to directly recover a job. They last between one and 8 months and they include French lessons , soft-skills workshops , French cultural discovery trainings, and professional days. They are hosted in top-notch French universities across the country (HEC, Sciences-Po Paris - Bordeaux - Lille, ESCP, ESSEC, INSA Lyon -Toulouse etc.). - The All in One pre-recruitment training programs operated by each One SAS include French for professional use lessons, soft-skills workshops, corporate immersion and specific professional training. They are built thanks to our partnerships with top companies. In order to maximize the effectiveness and relevance of our different trainings, all the pedagogical contents have been created based on the needs expressed by the refugees. And in a logic of continuous improvement, they are regularly reviewed and adapted in light of the refugees' feedback. Through this complete accompanying path we created, we are able to tackle the main causes of refugees' unemployment and demotion while building a scalable system.

Associacao Native Scientist

Broaden the horizons and spark interest in science of underserved children through science outreach educational programmes

ASBL Sauvons Bambi

Saving the wildlife of our countryside. Volunteer pilots operate in Belgium with drones equipped with a thermal camera to detect fawns, hares and nests in the fields prior to agricultural work and save them from horrific mutilation or death. Once detected, we isolate these animals for the duration of the work and give them back their freedom immediately afterwards. A second mission consists in identifying certain wild species in the fields whose conservation status is at risk (e.g. partridges). Sauvons Bambi was officially created on 13 January 2021. Today, it brings together 24 officially licensed drone pilots trained by the association to detect and save deer fawns and nests. In 2 years the association has already saved more than 700 animals!

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation

IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest LGBTQI youth and student network, counting more than 100 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region. IGLYO's mission is to strengthen the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices. IGLYO represents the diverse rights and intersectional needs of LGBTQI young people and works hard to ensure that their futures are bright. We achieve our objectives through international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, thematic research and advocacy actions, online tools and resources, digital story-telling and campaigning, networking activities, and more. Since our establishment in 1984, IGLYO has been growing steadily with new Members joining every year. Our Members are organisations who represent and/or support LGBTQI youth and/or students, work with LGBTQI youth or issues, comprise mainly of LGBTQI youth, or have a specific department working for/with youth.

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.