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Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights was established by Robert F. Kennedy's friends and family in 1968 to carry on his vision of a more just and peaceful world. As a global organization with a unique connection to one of the 20th century's most inspiring leaders, we seek to create change by partnering with the women and men on the front lines of the struggle for human rights and social justice, from the courtroom, to the classroom, to the boardroom. By standing with the bravest people on Earth, we strive to fulfill Robert F. Kennedy's pledge that "those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the world." Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights' mission is to safeguard human dignity through the advancement of human rights and to improve the uniquely American ideals of justice and peace. All of our programs leverage advocacy, training, litigation, and education efforts to empower key participants in the international movement for human rights; create lasting change in the legal and social structures that engender inequality; and educate tomorrow's leaders, thereby enhancing their capacity to advance justice and equality. Partners for Human Rights uses advocacy, litigation, and training to ensure that the rights of every human being receive the protection they deserve. Speak Truth To Power is a global initiative that uses the experiences of courageous defenders from around the world to educate students and others about human rights while urging them to take action. Young Leaders is a leadership program that motivates a diverse community of young professionals to take action for social justice and human rights. Compass facilitates discussions of sustainable investing criteria among institutional investors, enabling them to understand how social, environmental, governance, and human rights considerations can mitigate investment risk. Legacy introduces Robert F. Kennedy's remarkable life and career to a new generation through exhibits, classroom materials, and the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Book and Journalism Awards.

Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign envisions an America where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. The HRC Foundation was established in 1986 as a non-political, tax-exempt organization. Through innovative outreach, education, advocacy and research, the HRC Foundation focuses on the policies, issues and practices that affect LGBT individuals and their families including health care, parenting, adoption, schools, family law, employment, coming out, religion and faith, civil unions and marriage, financial planning, minority-specific concerns and senior health and housing. The HRC Foundation is one of the nation's most respected sources of information on LGBT issues and its resources are utilized throughout the LGBT community as well as among policy-makers, corporate executives, religious and community leaders, elected officials, journalists, researchers and the media.

Children's Rights

Every day, children are harmed by America’s broken child welfare, juvenile justice, education, and healthcare systems. Through relentless strategic advocacy and legal action, they hold governments accountable for keeping kids safe and healthy. Children’s Rights has made a lasting impact, protecting hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children and they are poised to help millions more. They are depending on us…and you.

Rights Action

Please see our Mission Statement. On request, we can send you background information about the issues we work on, and proposals for the work that we fund.

Center for Reproductive Rights

The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental right that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect and fulfill.

Fund For Global Human Rights

The Fund for Global Human Rights equips grassroots activists across the globe with the financial and strategic support they need to improve lives, mobilize movements, and build a better future for their communities. Since 2002, the Fund has raised and invested over $100 million into the work of community activists in more than 25 countries, providing these bold local leaders with the funding, tools, and contacts they need to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. As a result, millions of people worldwide now have access to basic resources and opportunities to participate fully and equally in society.

Equal Rights Advocates

Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a national nonprofit legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.

Digital Rights Foundation

Digital Rights Foundation's (DRF) mission is to strive for an open, safe and inclusive internet that is inclusive of all genders, religious groups, classes and abilities. Our mission is informed by socialist feminist principles and reflected in our praxis. Through its research, advocacy, capacity building workshops, awareness campaigns and direct services, DRF seeks to uphold online freedom of expression, right to privacy, freedom of assembly and participation, the safety of women and other marginalised communities in online spaces.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people worldwide. We scrupulously investigate abuses, expose the facts widely, and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice. Human Rights Watch is an independent, international organization that works as part of a vibrant movement to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all.

Human Rights First

Human Rights First builds respect for human rights and the rule of law to help ensure the dignity to which everyone is entitled and to stem intolerance, tyranny, and violence. Human Rights First is a non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in New York and Washington D.C. To maintain our independence, we accept no government funding.

Disability Rights Fund

The mission of the Disability Rights Fund is to support Disabled Persons Organizations in the developing world to take the lead in advocating for the human rights of persons with disabilities at local and national levels, utilizing the mechanism of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Our vision is of a world where persons with disabilities participate fully in society and enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

Earth Rights International

EarthRights is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that combines the power of law and the power of people in defense of human rights and the environment, which we define as “earth rights.” We specialize in fact-finding, legal actions against perpetrators of earth rights abuses, training grassroots and community leaders, and advocacy campaigns. Through these strategies, EarthRights seeks to end earth rights abuses, to provide real solutions for real people, and to promote and protect human rights and the environment in the communities where we work.