Frequently Asked Questions About Give and Grow

Getting a new app can be confusing, but no worries because we’re here to navigate you through our most asked questions in order to make your Give and Grow experience as seamless as possible!
How are the donations made?
Once the donation amount is configured, we track those donations and charge your credit card on file for the donation amount only. We apply charges when $50 in donations have been accrued or after a 30-day cycle- whichever is first. As soon as donations are charged, merchants are provided with a tax-deductible receipt via the Give & Grow app's dashboard.
When does the nonprofit receive the funds?
We accrue donations for nonprofits in our database throughout each month and distribute the donation payments via check directly to the nonprofit within 15 days of the following month.
What about CCV regulations or other laws surrounding charitable giving?
There may be laws around giving back and cause marketing that is specific to your state (if your business is US-based) or country. We cannot be your lawyers and recommend consulting your legal team to approve your charitable giving program.
How much does Give and Grow cost?
The app is currently free for merchants to implement and we take a percentage of the donation prior to distribution to the nonprofit. The fee breakdown is here:
  • Card processing fees: ~2.9% + $.30 per transaction covers the card processing costs charged to us
  • Technology fee: There is a 10% technology fee that Pledgeling Foundation pays to its service providers – this pays for payment processing and disbursement, including staff, infrastructure, customer support, office space, and more. This is deducted from the gross donation amount before it is paid to the charitable organization.
If you’d like to learn more about Give and Grow, head to our website. And if you’d like to see how Pledge can help you with your business or nonprofit’s giving program, reach out to our Impact Partnerships team at today.

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