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The Scout House organization began in 1938 and developed into a championship competitive Corps in North American. It disbanded in 1967 and reformed in 1998. In 2012 the Scout House Cadet Drum & Bugle Corps formed with a 10 person drum line. It has now added a 20 person horn line and is executing a five year plan to reach a 90 person competitive Corps. Cadet ages range from 10 to 18 and up to 83 in the Scout House Band with younger members continually joining. (17 new band members in 2014). No member receives any compensation for their services. The Band is managed by an elected Board Of Directors under a Province of Ontario Corporation Charter. It is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency 88877 4791 RR0001. Funds are derived solely from corporate and personal donations, performance fees and fundraising events. Financial challenges include instrument replacement, uniform replacement, transportation equipment and performance regalia.
Join the Dance is the Ontario representative for Pierre Dulaine's internationally acclaimed Dancing Classrooms of Mad Hot Ballroom and Take the Lead Fame. A 10 weeks Inter-curricular, Character Education program for children and youth that utilizes ballroom dancing as a vehicle to change the lives of not only the participants, but also the lives of the teachers and families who support them. Academic components of History, Geography, Literacy, Public Speaking and Social Studies are woven intricately into the joy of the dance that provides 50-minutes of good physical fitness and mental health stimulation. Culminating events allow diverse school communities to Join the Dance and Dancing Classrooms are fully endorsed by the Toronto Public and Catholic Boards. $100 will provide 1 student in a classroom with twenty 50-minute sessions for ten weeks. $2,000 sponsorship/donation provides the program to one entire classroom.
Canada World Youth (CWY) is a world leader in developing international educational programs for young people aged 15 to 25. Thanks to the support of donors, partners, host families and the government, since 1971, CWY has enabled over 36,000 youth to participate in programs across Canada and in 67 countries around the world.
Established in 1994, the Design Exchange (DX) is a not for profit registered charity with the mandate to promote the experience of design. As of March 2012, a new strategic plan was adopted whereby the DX has revitalized its strategic direction and refined its mandate to be a Design Museum offering exhibitions and programming with broad public appeal. DX exhibitions will cover the various design disciplines including fashion, architecture, interior and industrial design, digital design and more, by presenting designers, products, projects or themes that reflect popular contemporary culture. The DX relies on the generous donations received from individuals, foundations and corporations. Every tax-deductible gift to the DX helps us to support and present our Youth Education Programs, including Tours + Workshops, camps, and competitions. Donations also support the preservation the DX Permanent Collection and the historic building. Please visit for more information.
All schools teach from a worldview, whether explicitly or tacitly, which helps define life's meaning and purpose. At Master's we teach from a Judea Christian perspective. All areas of curriculum at Master's are developed from this premise with instruction and guidance given from a Christian perspective. Since 1997, Master's Academy and College has been developing its 21st century learning model called, Profound Learning™. The Profound Learning™ model, with its signature of innovation and creativity, elevates the academic performance of all students while simultaneously preparing them to be FUTURE READY. Today, Master's Profound Learning™ model is a reality – students become researchers, engineers and designers of the future by engaging in learning experiences designed to cultivate FUTURE READY skills.
SOUL is an urban school training Christian leaders for urban ministry in Winnipeg. SOUL is dedicated to being accessible, affordable and culturally Relevant.
Too many of our veterans have not had a chance to tell their story.Veterans Voices of Canada will help to ensure that all Canadian military veterans have the opportunity to talk about their "personal experiences" and their stories on camera.Currently focusing on WW2 and Korean War Veterans,we have also interviewed Cold War,Peacekeeping,Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans.
BCF fosters cooperation and goodwill between Bhutan and Canada in several ways: Our main program is a teacher program, in which we work with the Ministry of Education in Bhutan to send qualified teachers to teach in public schools in some of the most rural parts of the country. Since January 2010, BCF has sent a total of 69 teachers to 39 different communities across Bhutan. These teachers have directly impacted the lives of over 10,800 Bhutanese students. We also offer scholarships for Bhutanese youth to complete secondary education in Canada. Finally, as one of the only North American organizations with a permanent presence in Bhutan, we serve as a cultural liaison for many visitors to the country.
The Canadian Hero Fund is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting Canadian military personnel and their families. The Canadian Hero Fund was founded by a group of students at the University of Toronto who were deeply impacted by the increasing number of Canadian casualties and the young families they left behind. As a non-political civilian charity, the Canadian Hero Fund raises money through community, grassroots efforts. The Canadian Hero Fund also acts as a conduit for all Canadians to show their support and care for military families and their sacrifice. Your donation to the Canadian Hero Fund represents your commitment to the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces, to the families of fallen soldiers, and to the children who have lost their Hero. By giving to the Canadian Hero Fund you can help keep their dreams alive. If you have any questions please contact us at or call 1-888-602-3071.
The Port Moody Station Museum is owned and operated by the Port Moody Heritage Society. Other activities conducted by the Port Moody Heritage Society include: •hosting many educational programs and heritage events at the Station Museum and elsewhere, •actively adding to a collection of over 200 oral histories by recording the stories of Port Moody residents and workers, •providing research services to local historians and writers, •assisting the Port Moody Heritage Commission in the creation of the Stone Marker Program and Heritage Building Inventory. Our current projects include: •working with a team of volunteer seniors to create a historical book about Port Moody, •developing a series of educational heritage programs and volunteer opportunities for new immigrants. The Port Moody Station Museum is supported by grants from the City of Port Moody, Province of BC Gaming, Heritage Canada, Service Canada and charitable donations.