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COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of its staff, COOPI aims to contribute to the process of fighting poverty and developing the communities with which it cooperates all over the world, intervening in situations of emergency, reconstruction and development, in order to achieve a better balance between the Global North and the Global South, between developed areas and deprived or developing areas.

Lifetime Projects

LifeTime Projects organises humanitarian and ecological projects in Bolivia, Guatemala, England and Cameroon. Our projects are all set up with local partner organizations in order to help build upon ongoing projects designed by, and for local people to help and empower vulnerable children, women and families and/or to protect local wildlife.

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Friends of Inti Wara Yassi

Our mission is to provide the best quality of life possible to wildlife rescued from illegal trading, and to diminish animal trafficking through educational programs and public action, in partnership with the authorities and other organizations. Through this work we aim to inspire mankind to uphold values that promote conservation and the recuperation of biodiversity. Our vision is a world in which wildlife lives freely in its natural habitat; free from the dangers of indiscriminate hunting, senseless capture and the destruction of their ecosystem. Our main objectives are: To defend the environment and conserve biodiversity. To rescue and rehabilitate wild fauna that has fallen victim to trafficking and abuse. To appropriately care for all wild animals that are rescued from captivity. To coordinate and carry out research and education programmes that will support and contribute to the conservation of our ecosystem.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

America Solidaria

Vision: In America Solidaria, we envision a continent where all children and adolescents have what they need to grow, learn, and fulfill their potential. We see it as our shared responsibility as citizens of this region to make this vision a reality by mobilizing a network of highly skilled fellows. Mission: Mission America Solidaria promotes regional development throughout the Americas, strengthening local initiatives through year-long service projects in nonprofit organizations working to alleviate youth poverty through a focus on education, health, and/or economic empowerment. Our projects create lasting change by influencing public opinion and policy and helping shape future professionals, increasing the standard of living and supporting growth in the region.

Seva Mandir

Seva Mandir's mission is to make real the idea of society consisting of free and equal citizens who are able to come together and solve the problems that affect them in their particular contexts. The commitment is to work for a paradigm of development and governance that is democratic and polyarchic. Seva Mandir seeks to institutionalise the idea that development and governance is not only to be left to the State and its formal bodies like the legislature and the bureaucracy, but that citizens and their associations should engage separately and jointly with the State. The mission briefly, is to construct the conditions in which citizens of plural backgrounds and perspectives can come together and deliberate on how they can work to benefit and empower the least advantaged in society.

The Earth Trust

Earth Trust works to give tools to tribals and villagers to farm their land in a sustainable way, to develop responsibility for Primary Health solutions with traditional answers and to give rural children inspiration, skills & passion for revitalising their communities & land. Email:

Friends of Humanity

Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance

Odyssey Conservation Trust

The mission of the Odyssey Conservation Trust is to conserve biodiversity through local and indigenous women. We improve the quality of life of women by using a holistic approach which links their well-being to the health of their environment and the health of their animals - an approach called One Health. By valorizing their traditional environmental knowledge and breaking the poverty cycle into which local women's lives are entangled, we promote the role of indigenous women as custodians of unique biocultural heritages.

Asociacion Cultural para el Desarrollo Integral, A.C.D.I.

Its mission is to promote the dignity of the person through development activities, with special attention to education. ACDI recognizes the uniqueness of each person, who cannot be reduced to a number within an anonymous category such as "the poor, the sick, the disabled". Furthermore, every person and every community represents a resource, regardless of their vulnerability. This is why ACDI works to help people in becoming aware of their own value and dignity.

Source International

Giving local communities the tools to hold natural resource extraction companies accountable and foster dialogue between communities and companies.