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Displaying 25–36 of 117

Yoga and Sport with Refugees

YSR's mission is to change individual's lives and to create better opportunities through sports. Together, we co-create a place where all people can pursue their passion, work on their goals and be together.

The Educational Equality Institute

At The Educational Equality Institute, we are driven by the belief that every girl has the right to a quality education and the opportunity to reach her full potential. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of the girls we serve and in the communities where they live.


My mission is to provide for a destitute child care home in rural Mbale Uganda by providing vital necessities and education to build possibilities for their future. Our goal is to keep families together and to avoid more abandonment by empowering impoverished communities with self sufficeny programs that will help them become self-reliant. The major cause of child abandonnement is due to single parent homes and lack of finances to sustain a healthy life for the child. Mbale Child Care Foundation is the registered foundation I started working with. I hope to expand with another registred child care home, Mcanaan Child Care Foundation that's also in Mbale. Mbale Child Care Foundation is on borrowed land in a flood and land slide zone. I aim to purchase no risk land for them. I want to raise money through fund raisers and child sponsorship programs.


Founded in 1980, Medecins du Monde is an international medical solidarity NGO that works tirelessly to defend a fair and universal health care system. We are committed to providing care to the most vulnerable populations, to denouncing rejection, discrimination, and violations of human dignity and rights, and to campaigning for sustainable improvements in health policies for all.

Fondation de France

Focused in supporting a modern, effective and global philanthropy.

Petit Coeur de Beurre

L'association Petit Coeur de Beurre oeuvre au quotidien pour favoriser la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de malformations du coeur. Aujourd'hui, 1 enfant sur 100 nait avec une cardiopathie congenitale. L'association intervient a 3 niveaux : -soutien aux enfants/adultes et leurs familles -soutien aux structures hospitalieres -soutien a la recherche en cardiopediatrie. L'association Petit coeur de beurre a ete creee a l'initiative de parents qui ont souhaite au travers de leur experience agir pour ameliorer, optimiser, soutenir le quotidien des cardiaques congenitaux et de leurs familles. Depuis juin 2016. Natasha St Pier est marraine de l'association Petit Coeur de Beurre. Chanteuse et jeune maman d'un enfant porteur d'une Malformation du coeur, elle s'est engagee aux cotes de l'association et la soutient dans ses projets.

Tous pour l'inclusion (TouPI)

TouPI is a non-profit organization for parents of children with cognitive disabilities. Our mission is to promote inclusion of people with disabilities, support them and their families, defend their rights and represent them.


Our Professional training CASA93 in fashion of a new kind that is free and that places the emphasis on commitment and self-expression rather than on qualification requirements. It is for young creatives that have not found their place at school or who have financial problems and who we train to dream up the fashion of tomorrow in a more human, transparent and responible way. CASA 93 is a social and educational project organised by the association MODAFUSION.

Bulgarian Foosball Federation

The main goal of the BDF is to promote and develop table soccer (or also known as foosball) thus to increase the number of foosball players on different levels - from amateurs to professionals and to create conditions for achieving high level sport results both in national and international aspect. It aims to assist in the promotion and development of the table soccer sport among all age groups of the population of the Republic of Bulgaria and to enable the expression of personality through the sport. Also, to promote the development of foosball among people in wheelchairs, disabled and the ones in disadvantage thus helping them in overcoming their negative health trends and promoting their social integration.

Poussieres de Vie

We are here to empowering disadvantaged children and young people by giving them the opportunities to help themselves, help their families and dedicate for their community - They should not living by begging but by going back to school or go to work to improve themselves. So the mission of Poussieres de vie is to develop a global approach for a successful integration of target population.

Paris Basket 18 Eme

Paris Basket 18 aims to promote the integration of young girls from underprivileged neighborhoods through sport. Two types of projects are carried out by the club: - actions around the leisure practice of basketball and sports in general. - actions around a competitive basketball practice The aim is to create an original way of social integration of children and adolescent girls from underprivileged backgrounds, to promote the practice of femininity in order to fight against the cultural sexism that girls face in their daily lives, the appropriation by adolescent girls of a cultural object very marked by the practice of males goes in the direction of a redefinition of the social roles attributed to boys and girls. Le sport est donc l'outil grace auquel nous mobilisons les jeunes filles. En complement de cela, nous leur proposons un accompagnement plus global afin de developper leurs competences qu'elles soient scolaires ou sociales. Nous mettons en place de nombreuses activites afin de permettre a chaque jeune d'etre epanouie et a meme de faire face aux difficultes qu'elles vont affronter en etant le plus confiantes possibles. Un ensemble d'actions autour de l'accompagnement a la scolarite est mis en place: - de l'aide aux devoirs - une mediation entre les familles et les etablissements scolaires - un suivi psychologique des jeunes et/ou de leurs familles - des ateliers de paroles encadres par notre psychologue Les intervenants sont formes et suivis tout au long de l'annee par notre psychologue afin d'intervenir de facon la plus juste possible aupres des jeunes.

Futebol da Forca Foundation

Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.