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Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD)

Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD) is a social community based organization was established in December 2001-2002 and registered under the Societies Registration Act: XXI of 1860 on 17 May 2003. Re-Registered on June 1st 2013 Vision To bring Peace, Justice, Unity and Harmony for all and to ensure availability of food for marginalized communities of Pakistan

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

Friends of Humanity

Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance

Waqful Waqifin Foundation (Gift of the Givers Foundation)

To promote, encourage and project these principles in all its dimensions, within and beyond South Africa's borders. To benefit all of creation, in keeping with these principles, including service to plant, animal , environment and all of humanity irrespective of race, religion, colour, culture, political affiliation or geographical boundary. This service to be conducted in a non-judgemental manner. To uphold the dignity and honour of man, striving to make him self-sufficient and independent at the time of crisis or otherwise; (man refers to both genders where appropriate). To be gender sensitive and to take a special interest in the care of children , orphans , women , physically and mentally challenged individuals and the elderly . Without derogating from the generality of the aforegoing the activities of the Foundation , inter alia , include: Disaster management and humanitarian aid delivery in crises whether natural or man-made including floods, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes , tornado, accidents and war; Establishment of medical facilities , clinics and hospitals; Delivery of medicines and medical equipment; Establishment of feeding schemes, food parcel delivery and poverty relief programmes including assistance with burial and funeral arrangements, provision of new and used clothing, blankets and baby milk powder; Provision of boreholes, waterwells and water purification tablets; Provision of free telephonic and face-face counselling services in matters of depression, drug abuse, relationship problems, HIV/AIDS, marital discord, parenting, learning difficulties, teenage problems, child abuse, domestic violence, maintenance grants, etc. ; Establishment of Drug Rehab Centres and Havens for the abused; women and children in particular; Establishment of orphanages and old age homes; Provision of wheelchairs, hearing aids, braille machines and any such equipment and aids to assist physically and mentally challenged individuals; Provision of Life Skills training; empowerment counselling and skills in counselling; Establishment of skills development programmes, entrepreneul skills and job creation projects; Promoting South Africa as a means to encourage tourism, investment and further job creation initiatives; Provision of agricultural implements and Farmer's Packs (seeds, fertiliser , LAN, etc.) to promote food security and self sustainability; Establishment of educational institutions whether religious or secular; Provision of bursaries, textbooks, stationery, computers, technology workshops and other educational support; Establishment of places of worship including a tekke (meeting place for dervishes or disciples); Promotion of peace, tolerance, understanding, love, mercy and inter-faith dialopue between people, communities, cultures and religions; Promotion of faith, spirituality and religious awareness ; Establishment of community radio, television and media to assist with all the above principles; Support of artists who can promote all the above principles through song , writings, etc.

Associacao Esmabama

It is a Mozambican NGO that started its activities in 1997 and was officially recognized in 2004. It is one of the largest Mozambican NGO's with 167 employees. Esmabama's primary goal is to improve the living conditions of people living in the southern part of the Sofala province, by implementing educational, health and income generation projects/activities. In 2006, Esmabama co-founded the Distance Learning Courses of the Catholic University of Beira. It also implements projects supported by several donors, including: EU, GIZ, ADA, PEPFAR. Esmabama reaches populations of about 500.000 people, being 8.000 of them students and 1.700 poor children living at the boarding schools located at the 4 localities (Estaquinha, Mangunde, Barada and Machanga), run by the Association.

Caritas Austria

CARITAS AUSTRIA is an internationally operating non-profit organisation (donations are tax-deductible Reg. Nr. SO1126; equivalent 501(c)(3) US organization) under the mission of the Austrian Catholic church and pursues solely and directly charitable and benevolent objectives. CARITAS AUSTRIA relief work addresses the needy in their entirety, taking also into consideration their physical, psychological and spiritual-religious backgrounds. CARITAS AUSTRIA commits itself to providing assistance to people in need which is done without regard to creed, ethnicity or ideology of those seeking help. In its operations CARITAS AUSTRIA is guided by respect for the dignity and self-determination of the people it serves. There are more than 1,000 places throughout Austria where CARITAS AUSTRIA helps people in need. In the areas of caregiving, supporting people with disabilities, hospices, in the social counseling centers, on assignment for families in need or for older people who cannot afford heating. CARITAS AUSTRIA - this comprises its fulltime staff, but above all, also the roughly 50.000 volunteers and each and every one of you who supports our work. CARITAS AUSTRIA's main activities are aiming at social support and advocacy for those in need. These activities are taking place in Austria and abroad, whereas the main focus is lying on national work in Austria. Inside and outside of Austria, CARITAS AUSTRIA always aims at addressing the basic needs of the vulnerable taking also into consideration their social and cultural background.

German Red Cross / Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

The German Red Cross co-operates with other national Red Cross/ Red Crescent societies, the International Federation of Red Cross/ Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross in numerous missions concerning: - Emergency Response (including quick assignment of pre-trained personnel and pre-packaged material, provision of relief materials, donations and contributions in cash and in kind to partner organizations) - Rehabilitation after disasters (Reconstruction of houses, medical facilities, and livelihood after disasters) - Development projects with focus on Disaster Risk Reduction / Climate Change Adaptation, Water and Sanitation, Basic Health Care, Livelihood and Capacity Building within Partner Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and communities.

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe provides humanitarian aid worldwide. It supports people who have fallen victim of natural disasters, war and displacement and who are not able to cope on their own in the emergency situation they find themselves in. It is an effort to help people in great need - worldwide, regardless of their colour, religion and nationality.

The Earth Trust

Earth Trust works to give tools to tribals and villagers to farm their land in a sustainable way, to develop responsibility for Primary Health solutions with traditional answers and to give rural children inspiration, skills & passion for revitalising their communities & land. Email:

Impact Stories

Landesa champions and works to secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest, mostly rural women and men to provide opportunity and promote social justice. We envision a world free of poverty. We are committed to a future in which all women and men who depend on land for their livelihoods have secure, legal land rights – one of the most powerful tools for lifting oneself, one’s family and one’s community out of poverty.


To improve the life conditions of children in the communities where they live, through direct and indirect projects designed to support their wellbeing, education, and development.

Sophia Akash Foundation

The Sophia Akash Foundation's (SAF) mission is to facilitate sustainable paths out of poverty for the world's poor. We recognise that for those living in poverty, the essential services that enable them to build sustainable livelihoods are unaffordable. Our mission is to change that. We help build strong, sustainable Social Enterprises, using innovative solutions to meet the basic needs of poor and unserved communities. With access to affordable basic services such as financial inclusion, primary healthcare, education and others, households can break the cycle of poverty.