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We are a global champion for the human rights of women and girls. We use our powerful networks to find, fund, and amplify the courageous work of women who are building social movements and challenging the status quo. By shining a spotlight on critical issues, we rally communities of advocates who take action and invest money to empower women.
Resonate uses storytelling to empower women and girls to build self-confidence and unlock leadership potential.
Relief and Development Support Organization aims at improving the living conditions of youth and families through poverty alleviation.
Our mission is to provide technical skills to youth and women from previously disadvantaged communities. Skills that assist our beneficiaries build sustainable livelihoods.
We strive to create an integrated and innovative approach to education and community development that improves literacy rates and fosters socio-economic well-being with the active support and leadership of the community.
ChildFund Korea creates a world where children grow up upright and enjoy happy life.
RCSI: Leading the world to better health RCSI has been at the forefront of health education for over 230 years. A deep professional responsibility to enhance human health through endeavour, innovation and collaboration in education, research and service informs all that we do. Our ultimate purpose is to work in service of patients. Our role is to prepare healthcare professionals for the future, educating them within a world leading, pioneering learning environment that will enable them to thrive in complex clinical settings across the globe.
Street Child is dedicated to breaking the barriers that prevent the most vulnerable children and teenagers in the world from accessing quality education through a holistic and cross-cuttting approach. Our organization promotes this access through accelerated solutions led by our local partners on the ground. In addition, Street Child promotes Human Rights of children, according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
At ISA, we believe in the potential of the largest ever young generation. When young people have the motivation, the skills and the opportunities they will be able to make the change they want to see in their lives and in the places they live, study and work. Our programmes do exactly that. Why is this needed? Young people in the underserved communities we work, often lack safe spaces where they can team-up, there is a limited supply of positive activities to engage in, and there are few opportunities for young people to attain quality education or income opportunities. Together with community organisations, (youth) coaches and mentors, we're turning tables and by providing opportunities for young people to make a future for themselves and that of the entire community.
The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.
entreprendre toute action susceptible d'ameliorer les conditions de vie des paysans les plus pauvres des pays en developpement et pour cela : contribuer a la securite alimentaire des zones les plus defavorisees ; accompagner les organisations paysannes, acteurs strategiques dans la lutte contre la pauvrete, pour le developpement durable et le respect du droit a l'alimentation ; informer les agriculteurs et les ruraux francais sur la situation et les attentes des agriculteurs des pays en developpement afin d'assurer la mobilisation des moyens humains et financiers necessaire a la reduction de la pauvrete dans ces pays
We are shaping a movement to ensure young people affected by displacement thrive through safe sport Sport has the power to have the most incredible impact on young lives. We are uniting leaders, businesses, coaches and young refugees from across the world to create a team with purpose, a team like no other. We all share one goal - for displaced young people to find belonging through sport, and shape their own futures, their way. Having been through the unimaginable hardship of displacement, on this team they will find somewhere to feel at home again. Somewhere they can develop the skills to succeed in life and truly thrive. Sport can be the springboard for a future that didn't seem possible. Helping young people find their place in the world, find success in their dream career. Or even finding themselves at the Olympic Games. Together we can help them discover a future full of opportunity, fuelled by the Olympic spirit. Our work It is easy to take the feeling of home for granted. That sense of being safe, welcome and respected. For young people uprooted by conflict, persecution or disaster, sport can offer a safe haven. Sport can develop stronger ties in communities, provide opportunities to learn new skills, build networks and improve health. We want to ensure 1 million young people access safe sport by 2024. To do this we're focused on making an impact in three areas: Access - making sure more young people affected by displacement can access and benefit from safe sport, for instance, through our programmes of sport- and play-based activities and upskilling coaches and through the Refugee Olympic Team. Adoption - ensuring that the role of safe sport in supporting young refugees is widely understood and used, for instance, encouraging national governments to include safe sport in their refugee response frameworks. Collective action - mobilising multiple partnerships to create sustained change, and improving the way sport is used to support young people affected by displacement. Together we can achieve more.