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Displaying 25–36 of 5,923

Evergreen Education Foundation

To improve access to learning opportunities of high quality for children and young adults in rural and low income areas in China; To nurture lifelong learning habits through programs promoting various literacies related to essential life skills; To serve as a bridge in collaborative efforts to enhance global learning

Sarvodaya USA

The mission of Sarvodaya USA is to facilitate individual and community development to meet basic human needs, reduce material, social and spiritual poverty, and enhance the quality of life for all. Values All human beings must have access to resources to meet their basic needs. All human beings have the capacity to give and receive, and in the process, to transform themselves, the environment, and their society. Recognition of all people's common interests and strengths

Smiles Forever

The Smiles Forever mission is to break the cycle of poverty by vocationally training young indigenous women to be dental hygienists in Cochabamba, Bolivia. We recognize women as the first socialization factor in the family. Enabling them to become financially self-sufficient, we are both creating female community leaders and bettering the lives of their children. Students give back to their community by providing free dental care at the school, burn center and rural communities.

Appropriate Technology Collaborative

The Appropriate Technology Collaborative creates sustainable technologies that promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for low income people worldwide. We design, develop, demonstrate, and distribute affordable technologies. Working in collaboration with local talent and other nonprofits (NGOs) we create solutions that are culturally sensitive, environmentally responsible and locally repairable in order to improve the quality of life and reduce adverse impacts on the environment.

JustFix Inc is a non-profit that supports renters (currently in NYC) facing evictions and neglected housing conditions with technology that helps them build well-documented cases and connect with community and legal advocates. Our platform is comprised of two complementary tools: 1. A mobile app that assists tenants in gathering evidence, mediating with their landlord through templated communications, reporting violations to city agencies, connecting with organizers and attorneys, and presenting a "case history" in housing court (currently available at 2. A dashboard that allows community organizers, legal aid attorneys, and other advocates to communicate with tenants and track data about buildings, landlords, and neighborhoods. It will be integrated with open datasets from a range of city and state agencies (in development). We work with neighborhood based tenant organizing groups as well as major legal service organizations and are committed to a model of community-led development in order to design, build, and distribute our services to those who need it most.

Brazos Valley Museum Of Natural History

To stimulate understanding of natural and cultural history, and to encourage responsible stewardship of all natural resources.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is dedicated to research and education to advance understanding of the ocean and its interaction with the Earth system, and to communicating this understanding for the benefit of society.

Amazon Conservation Association

The mission of the Amazon Conservation Association is to unite science, innovation, and people to protect the western Amazon – the greatest wild forest on Earth. We envision a thriving Amazon that sustains the full diversity of life. Two decades in, we have protected over 8.15 million acres of rainforest; provided cutting-edge tools to government and forest users to protect their lands; empowered hundreds of indigenous communities to develop forest-friendly livelihoods; and hosted thousands of scientists pioneering innovative research at our three conservation hubs. We have made a difference.

Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology

At, we envision a future where the people who imagine and build technology mirror the people and societies for whom they build it. We connect, inspire, and guide women in computing, and organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative. Our social enterprise supports women in technical fields, as well as the organizations that employ them and the academic institutions training the next generation. A full roster of programs help women grow, learn, and develop their highest potential.

Impact Stories
Rocky Mountain Institute

Transforming the global energy system to secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all. Read our case for support to learn more about RMI, our strategies, and our impact outcomes:

Ocean Alliance

Ocean Alliance strives to increase public awareness of the importance of whale and ocean health through research and public education. We work with our scientific partners to collect a broad spectrum of data on whales and ocean life. Ocean Alliance uses this data to advise educators, policy makers, and the general public on wise stewardship of the oceans to mitigate pollution, prevent the collapse of marine mammal populations, and promote ocean and human health. Ocean Alliance, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Organization, and was founded in 1971.

Intrepid Museum Foundation

The mission of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is to honor our heroes, educate the public and inspire our youth.