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Displaying 61–72 of 2,625

Youth Technology Corps Nfp

YTC engages teens in hands-on programs that teach them useful technical skills, then encourages them to become agents of change at home and globally though teamwork, technology education and community service.

Morning Star Foundation

Founded in 2010, MSF works in China, Uganda, and India. We provide lifesaving heart surgeries to; abandoned, orphaned, and children with families, who are born with severe heart disease. We focus on giving hope to those born with heart disease that is so severe that little hope is given.

CodeCreate / Resilience Partners NFP

CodeCreate Technology Education at Resilience Partners provides dynamic and creative experiences for young people, educators and families, bringing innovative opportunities for learners to imagine, reflect, play and create! We empower learners through creative design experiences with everyday technology and the learner's own ideas: commands that students will retain every other time they see those tools across diverse areas of Chicago and several nations. CodeCreate guides participants in the creation and appreciation of intuitively based technology combined with artistic expressions, especially within basic circuitry, robotics and computer programming, media arts, illustration, 3D design and performing arts.

Nat. Action Council for Minorities in Engineering

To ensure American competitiveness in a flat world by leading and supporting the national effort to expand U.S. capability through increasing the number of successful African American, American Indian, and Latino young women and men in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and careers.

Mathcounts Foundation

MATHCOUNTS provides engaging math programs to U.S. middle school students of all ability levels to build confidence and improve attitudes about math and problem solving.

Amazon Conservation Team

The mission of the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) is to work in partnership with indigenous people to conserve biodiversity, improve human and ecosystem health, and strengthen traditional culture in tropical America.


CompUDopt was founded in 2007 with the belief that every child deserves equal access to education and opportunity. We realized that the life cycle of a computer in a corporate environment is typically less than three years. Usually sent to landfill or shelved, these lightly used tools can become a dream come true for a young learner ready to broaden their skills and knowledge, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate good environmental stewardship by our partner organizations. Our programs serve to eliminate limited access to computers by placing them directly in the homes of applicants, as well as fostering and supporting education for the youth of Texas. Each of our programs facilitates growth in technical and digital literacy skills, which are increasingly essential for success in education. In addition, students gain an understanding of the importance of education and the breadth of the impact technology has across industries including science, engineering, and many others.

Clean Oceans International

COI is a California 501c3 environmental non-profit reducing ocean plastic pollution through Research, Innovation, and Direct Action. Through our Environmental Pollution Assessment Program (EPAP), communities learn a simple process to track changes in local plastic pollution. This data serves as a benchmark to evaluate the impact of mitigation initiatives. Also, we're actively engaged in introducing affordable and customized Portable Plastic Waste Conversion (PPWC) systems as part of our global initiative to provide local communities with effective plastic recycling solutions. Our current project is setting up a demonstration PPWC system for Santa Cruz, CA to illustrate PPWC capabilities to Silicon Valley tech and philanthropic communities.

International Microelectronics and Packaging Society

Foundation Initiatives Research funding for projects to advance the understanding and practical application of microelectronics and microelectronic packaging knowledge. Awards conferred annually to encourage the study of theory and application of microelectronics and microelectronic packaging by university and college students and practitioners. In nearly all cases, the company or group of contributors that fund the award will name the award, such as the Sidney J. Stein Award for Graduate Studies or the Motorola Innovation & Design Competition. Developmental grants to foster the advancement of business through the application of microelectronics and microelectronic packaging concepts and theories. A grant to prove that something "can be designed" that would benefit all companies and individual members of IMAPS who could then take the developmental study results back to their company as the starting point for their proprietary design projects. Competitive scholarships awarded to individuals pursuing a graduate degree in microelectronics and microelectronic packaging. The size and nature of scholarships will be significant to the point that they attract contributions to the endowed fund that makes the scholarships possible and meaningful to supporters and scholarship winners. Industry-wide statistical studies that go beyond the data and objectivity of any one company or consortium of companies, to more clearly define the impact and strategic role microelectronics and microelectronic packaging plays in the total supply chain of electronics projects.

Center for Excellence in Education

The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) has a successful history of contributing to the scientific leadership of this country. CEE was founded in 1983 by the late Admiral H. G. Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy and of civilian uses of nuclear power and Joann DiGennaro, CEE's President. They recognized that the nurturing of careers of excellence and leadership in science and technology in young scholars is an essential investment in our national and global future. CEE is a private, (501)(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that provides cost-free programs to its student scholars through collaboration with educational institutions, private foundations, corporations and government agencies who share a commitment to educational excellence and leadership in science and technology. Central to all of CEE's programs is the understanding that talent in scientific and mathematical disciplines achieves its greatest fulfillment of promise when it is nurtured from an early age. All programs are designed to provide the ongoing nurturing that will assure that the nation and the world benefit from the future leadership that will come from fulfillment of the promise shown by the students accepted to participate.

World Resources Institute

WRI is a global environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the planet and improve people's lives. Our mission is to move society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.

The League of Amazing Programmers

Motivating the next generation of technical leaders through community outreach, education, and mentoring by software professionals with an emphasis on reaching more girls and underserved populations. We were founded in 2006 by Vic and Diane Wintriss.