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Love, Teach, & Empower inner-city children in their journey toward their God-given purpose. Ours is a ministry of encouragement, fellowship and teaching by providing: • Safe transportation to and from church services and activities (including snacks and meals) • Weekly & monthly bible studies and prayer services • Educational tutoring • Community outreach opportunities • Scholarships We currently serve children, ages 4-17, in the Southeast & East Austin Communities, with the primary focus aimed at letting children know that no matter what or regardless of all circumstances, they are truly loved by Jesus Christ.
4 His Glory is an itinerant ministry from Summerville with a vision to bring revival to the nations through missions outreach and evangelism. We are the heart of a people rising up to transform cities and nations and spread God's glory from sea to shining sea.
Temple Emanuel is a dynamic Reform synagogue. Our mission is to inspire individuals to maximize their Jewish identity and to participate actively in our religious community.
We exist and are on a mission to provide people everywhere and from all walks of life a clear and extensive understanding of the Kingdom of God, its’ purpose, functions and provisions. We exist and are on a mission to help God’s people transition from earth-realm thinking to Kingdom thinking. We exist and are on a mission to help God’s people identify and understand the imperatives of all fulfilling God’s intent for their individual lives and the great impact of their lives toward all men.
Jasmin Human Services reaches out to those in need, offers hope through service, and builds better communities.
True Impact Ministries empowers ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact on the lives of impoverished people in Uganda, Africa.
This is a donation to the Women's Ministry of Beth Yeshua Messianic Synagogue. We reach out to our ladies during their life cycle events.
Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
The purpose is to bind together followers of Jesus Christ for the purpose of accomplishing God's will on earth. To worship God, making his will dominant in the lives of men, women and children (age of accountability) individually and collectively, as that will is set forth in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
RNF Mission: The mission of the Religion News Foundation is to strengthen and encourage religion reporting as a means of improving public understanding of religion. The primary means of doing this is by providing journalists in the secular media access to useful resources, examples of best practices and opportunities for increased communication with one another. RNS Mission: Religion News Service is an independent, nonprofit and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, culture and ethics, reported by a staff of professional journalists. Founded in 1934, RNS seeks to inform readers with objective reporting and insightful commentary, and is relied upon by secular and faith-based news organizations in a number of countries. RNS is affiliated with the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. RNF Vision: Religion News Foundation shall accomplish its mission by supporting and funding the work of the RNA and through its own programs to promote excellence in religion reporting. RNS Vision: Religion News Service aims to be the largest single source of news about religion, spirituality and ideas. We strive to inform, illuminate and inspire public discourse on matters relating to belief and convictions.
The Institute of Lutheran Theology, as an institution of higher learning, shall preserve, promote and propagate the classical Christian tradition from a Lutheran perspective.
Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, Inc. ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of the truckers and travelers who use the truck stops and terminals along the busy section of U.S. Route 11 just east of Carlisle, Pennsylvania.